For Newcomers

Intro to Quests

I'm going to assume you've heard of Homestuck before, right? Big webcomic thing, very popular. Well in the early days of that comic, it ran using a "suggestion box" in which users would suggest actions for the current focused character to do which in turn would progress the story along. Now, imagine that but lasting for an entire run, and you have a rough idea of how most quests work.

Ruby Quest was the first quest done by Weaver, beginning its run in late 2008 up until early 2009. Being the first of its kind, it was pretty rough around the edges (especially near the start but settled into its tone by the second chapter) which Weaver has publicly acknowledged since.

Once Ruby Quest had finished, Weaver would begin two new quests: Nan Quest, being a spiritual successor to and evolution of Ruby Quest and its horror style, being generally more fleshed out and Dive Quest, a completely different direction with more fantasy-oriented elements. (I personally cannot speak as much on Dive Quest, as I've yet to dive into it myself [pun not intended].)

Content Warnings

Ruby Quest has heavy elements of horror, blood, gore and body horror through out its run as well as suggestive elements near its start (due to the aformentioned roughness during the first chapter or so).

Nan Quest, like Weaver's previous quest, shares elements of horror, blood and gore but with less body horror and more paranormal and religious horror.

I personally cannot speak as much on Dive Quest but expect less horror elements then Ruby & Nan, possibly with more common suggestive elements.

Ruby Quest

There's also some wiki pages on TVTropes and a backup of the 1d4chan wiki page for Ruby Quest which has a lot of old stuff including a heavy amount of the fanart and theories uploaded into discussion threads which may have not been archived. (1d4chan has NSFW content, so be warned!).

Nan Quest

There's also some wiki pages on TVTropes.

Dive Quest

One last piece of advice: if you're trying to avoid NSFW content then be careful when directly searching stuff like Google Images for quest content, ESPECIALLY if you're looking for Weaver's stuff directly, since his main content is NSFW. That's all from me, I'll probably come to revise this page later on, but good luck reading!